Living Mindfulness Course
Course Philosophy
The course teaches you various methods in a pragmatic and easy way so that you can integrate mindfulness more easily into everyday life. Easy-to-implement everyday tasks and exercises promote this transfer into daily life. The aim is for mindfulness to permeate all areas of life in the long term and to become a way of life that enables you to go through everyday life more calmly and consciously. You learn to deal with stressful influences and stress factors in a more appropriate and relaxed way and can face challenges with more serenity, clarity and acceptance.
Gain more wellbeing, greater satisfaction and more happyness through mindfulness. It helps you to enjoy life more consciously and to appreciate even small moments. Mindfulness can help you to recognize your own values and priorities more clearly.
Course content
- Body awareness (Body Scan)
- Guided meditations (sitting, lying, walking)
- Simple movement exercises (yoga)
- Impulse lectures on topics such as stress triggers and stress intensifiers, feelings, thought pattern, communication
- Reflections and exchange in the group
- Integration into everyday life
When & Where?
The course is 8 weeks long. The weekly group meetings last 75 min and take place in the sociocultural center in the Montealcedo parc in Riba-Roja de Turia (l’Eliana side).
New courses starting:
mondays: 10.00-11.15h starting the 10th of february 2025
Costs & Material
The cost of the course is 160€. The price includes: The materials for all the topics introduced in the class, reflection sheets and all the audio instructions of the meditations so you can practice easily at home.
The Living Mindfulness course is a stress management programme developed by Kirsten Tofahrn and Sabine Kessel in cooperation with the Techniker Krankenkasse health insurance company, which was scientifically accompanied by the University of Cologne. Various studies prove the positive influence of the training on health. The Living Mindfulness Method is based on globally recognised mindfulness trainings such as MBSR (mindfulness-based stress reduction), MSC (mindful self-compassion) and MBCT (mindfulness-based cognitive therapy).
In 2021, the course concept was recognised by the Central Prevention Testing Centre.
For whom is the course suitable:
The course is for people who…
… experience private or work stress & want to learn how to reduce the stresslevel
… feel tired and exhausted & want to change
… would like to deal more calmly with the challenges of everyday life
… would like to strengthen their self-awareness (physical, emotional, mental)
… wish for more energy and joy in everyday life
…would like to lead better relationships
… like to increase their wellbeing and qualitiy of life
And otherwise...
In the times between the appointments, the participants are provided with reflection exercises and easy-to-implement everyday tasks. The daily time required for the meditations is 1 x 12 and 3 x 3 minutes, which is manageable. This facilitates the long-term integration of mindfulness practice into everyday life and the effectiveness of regular meditation has also been scientifically proven.
The participants do not need any previous knowledge.
If you prefer to do the course in your time with you individual timetable, contact me for more information.